domingo, outubro 31, 2004

Post - pílula

Aula o sábado inteiro e eleições no domingo. Festa da democracia! Acordei às 6h nos dois dias e estou podre, mas teve coisas que valeram a pena.
Primeiro pq eu estive cercado de pessoas muito agradáveis e tal... Depois porque as palestras foram GE-NI-AIS!!! Héric e Antônio R., respectivamente com Sagarana e Poemas Completos de Alberto Caeiro.
Tirando o meu mal humor e o fato de ter comigo esfiha em TODAs as refeições no sábado, está tudo bem. Amanhã tem aula...


Quem não gosta de receber elogios, não é?


Post mais curtinho, à Raquel. Sem paciência de escrever. talvez depois cole um textinho ou um poema ou uma música qualquer... Fora que o anterior está muito grande também, tenho que compensar de certa forma.


Porque às vezes eu me sinto invisível.

Would Not Come

if I make a lot of tinsel then people will want to
if I am hardened no fear of further abandonment
if I am famous then maybe i'll feel good in this skin
if I am cultured my words will somehow garner respect
i would throw a party still it would not come
i would bike run swim and still it would not come
i'd go traveling and still it would not come
I would starve myself and still it would not come
if I am masculine I will be taken more seriously
if I take a break it would make me irresponsible
if i'm elusive I will surely be sought after often
if I need assistance then I must be incapable
i'd be filthy rich and still
it would not come
I would seduce them and still
it would not come
I would drink vodka and still
it would not come
i'd have an orgasm and still
it wouldn't come
if I accumulate knowledge
i'll be impenetrable
if I am aloof no one will know
when they strike a nerve
if I keep my mouth shut the boat
will not have to be rocked
if I am vulnerable I will be
trampled upon
i would go shopping and still
it would not come
i'd leave the country and still
it would not come
i would scream and rebel still
it would not come
i would stuff my face and still
it would not come
i'd be productive and still it would not come
i'd be celebrated still it would not come
i'd the the hero and still it would not come
i'd renunciate and still it would not come